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  • Writer's picturecaramosier

ACTOR CALL - Male, 30s

The Wimberley Players are seeking a male actor in his thirties to play the role of Jack in "The Tin Woman" by Sean Grennan. Rehearsals are currently in progress and are generally scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Jack only speaks in two scenes, but is on stage for the entire show. The show runs on weekends from February 14th to March 8th

The Tin Woman is directed by Tracy Arnold, a Wimberley Players veteran. Tracy most recently directed "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" and "Picnic", both in 2019. Tracy also serves as the Artistic Director of the Wimberley Players.


Instead of relishing life after her heart transplant, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Alice and Hank mourn the loss of their son, Jack, whose heart was used to save Joy. At a friend's urging, Joy tracks down Jack's family to find closure. But are Alice, Hank, and their daughter Sammy ready to accept Jack's death? Based on a true story, The Tin Woman uses humor and pathos to explore loss, family, and what it means to be given new life.

If you are interested in this role, please email with a head shot to schedule a time to read for the part. Diverse casting is encouraged and anyone may apply for this role.

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